Friday, June 11, 2010


I am not a pet person. Not even a little bit. I hope to never own a dog, cat or even a fish. I don't like animals that shed, smell, or poop in the house. I hope that doesn't make me sound too cruel. I do like animals in general. I probably have even pet your dog or let your cat sit on my lap. I just plan on never being a pet owner. (Luckily Jason is right on board with me here. Hooray for allergies!)

If I was forced to own an animal, the only ones I would choose would be a giraffe, elephant or a dolphin. :) ha. I love exotic animals mostly because you admire them from a distance.
So. If I ever inherit a large sum of money, I may just buy an elephant so I can take a picture as adorable as the one above.

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