Remember Me?
I hardly remember how to work computers anymore now that I'm with out. I'm currently blogging on my boss's PC...definitely a switch from my beloved mac!
So here's a short update-
1. I have 9 days left in Utah. It's gonna to be a bittersweet goodbye. Especially when I leave my sweet little Danni. (Seriously it's gonna rip my heart out.)
2. My dress is currently being altered and I pick it up next week! Wait till I post pictures. It's amazingggggg.
3. I get married in 43 days! Yipee! Thank goodness for my countdown app on my iphone. (It goes a little slow for my liking though. :)
4. I haven't see Jason in almost 3 weeks nor will I till we say "I do". :( It's been hard, but time is actually going a lot faster then I thought. We talk every night which is so so wonderful (even though Jason HATES talking on the phone, he's a good sport and does it for me.) He is loving law school and seriously kicking butt. I am so incredibly proud of him.
5. We just booked our hotel room and airplane tickets for HAWAII in December! Woot! I can't wait.
Overall, things are going pretty great in my neck of the woods. I'm embarking on a lot of change that is coming upon me far too fast but I'm ecstatic about all of it! Once I get to AZ, it will be easier for me to blog on my mom's computer. So be patient, I promise to have far more interesting posts coming real soon!