Saturday, October 9, 2010


It's 4:56am and I am certainly not getting up early.

I can't sleep. I don't think I've slept a wink all night.

My mind won't shut off and I'm starting to feel a bit of anxiety about all the wedding shennanigans.

It's so bad, I had to remove myself from my bed and quit trying because my own thoughts were starting to drive me mad.

Any suggestions married friends? We're down to 1 week and I'm dying for some sleep.




  1. i was gonna say that! ambien all the way.
    except... i took it too late the night before my wedding without thinking about what time it was. suffice it to say that it was a rough next morning at 5am.

  2. i was the SAME way before i got married! actually the whole morning before we got married i was like that too. i don't remember a single thing the guy who married us said because the whole time i was like "damn what is happening here!" but the whole day is so much fun that finally it hits you that night that you'll be happy forever because you got the greatest guy in the world :) call me sometime if you ever wanna talk! love you tons!
