Thursday, February 9, 2012

Collision Course

"Sometimes we're on a collision course and we just don't know it. Whether it's by accident or by design, there's not a thing we can do about it."

Recently The Curious Case of Benjamin Button was on television and I stayed up till 2 in the morning watching it. (That's a big deal for me, guys. Come 11 pm I'm out like a light!) This scene has been stuck in my head and I can't stop thinking about how incredibly true it is. Life is a crazy thing sometimes. We have to take the good with the bad. We laugh. We cry. We climb and we fall. Sometimes tragedy hits and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. In my life experiences, I've learned it's what we take from these events that shape us into the people we are. My dad once told me that when tragedy strikes we can either let it ruin us or let it be the best thing that ever happened to us. It can make us stronger then we ever thought we were. It can help us love deeper then we ever did. And it can make the things most important in our life shine like there's no tomorrow.

I've realized lately how huge this world is and how insignificantly small I am. Although my problems may seem immense and all encompassing, I know I'm not the only person who feels this way. I NEED to remember that. We are all here on earth fighting the same battle. Just like my blog says happiness is way of travel, not a destination. How can I make myself happy today? What can I change that will be for the better? -These are questions I should be asking myself daily. And not just asking but acting upon them. Nothing is constant, everything is continually changing. So here is to new beginnings. Here is to true happiness. Here is to making my life the best thing it can be. Because isn't that what we all deserve? The best. Every. Single. Day. We are all our own captains on this voyage called life. It's time to make it something worth living. Something worth remembering. Something that when some day my children ask me, "how can I be happy?" I know exactly how to tell them. Because I was. And because I am.

Watch out 2012. This year I'm committing to change. I am going to let my life experiences, whether good or bad, make me a better person. Make a stronger person. And most importantly, make me happy.


  1. love this. and you.
    i've been suffering from katie withdrawals a lot lately :/

  2. i 100% believe that you'll do it my dear! xoxo

  3. thank you for this. i really needed it. really.
