Monday, April 4, 2011

A little vacay

This weekend I am going to Utah and I can't wait to-

Meet her:
Snuggle her:
Have a sleepover with these guys:
Eat a cherry turnover from this place:
Shop at this store:
...and this store:
and finally, go to this:

I am so looking forward to a little weekend getaway! See ya on Thursday Utards. ;)


  1. so jealous! have a wonderful time!!

  2. hmmmmm you totally forgot to give a shout out to the fashion show!!! JK, can't wait to see you!

  3. Garrett-I wanted to post a pic of the fashion show but FB wouldn't let me steal the poster from your profile! LAME! Can't wait to see you too!

    Jordy-wish you were still living in SLC so we could hang and eat pastries! <3 xoxo

  4. i hit the "like" button, but really i meant LIKE LIKE LIKE!
